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  • Mapped PacBio CCS reads in BAM format; pre-converted gene annotation: -d pacbio_ccs --bam mapped_reads.bam \
 --genedb annotation.db --output output_dir
  • Nanopore dRNA stranded reads; official annotation in GTF format, use custon prefix for output: -d nanopore --stranded forward --fastq ONT.raw.fastq.gz \
     --reference reference.fasta --genedb annotation.gtf --complete_genedb \
     --output output_dir --prefix My_ONT

  • Nanopore cDNA reads; no reference annotation: -d nanopore --fastq ONT.cDNA.raw.fastq.gz \
     --reference reference.fasta --output output_dir --prefix My_ONT_cDNA

  • PacBio FL reads; custom annotation in GTF format, which contains only exon features: -d pacbio_ccs --fl_data --fastq CCS.fastq \
     --reference reference.fasta --genedb genes.gtf --output output_dir

  • Nanopore cDNA reads, multiple samples/replicas within a single experiment; official annotation in GTF format: -d nanopore --bam ONT.cDNA_1.bam ONT.cDNA_2.bam ONT.cDNA_3.bam \
     --reference reference.fasta --genedb annotation.gtf --complete_genedb --output output_dir
     --predix ONT_3samples --labels A1 A2 A3

  • ONT cDNA reads; 2 experiments with 3 replicates; official annotation in GTF format: -d nanopore --yaml dataset.yaml  \
     --complete_genedb --genedb genes.gtf \
     --reference reference.fasta --output output_dir

dataset.yaml file :

  data format: "fastq",
    name: "Experiment1",
    long read files: [
    labels: [
    name: "Experiment1",
    long read files: [
    labels: [

IsoQuant will produce 2 sets of resulting files (including annotations and expression tables), one for each experiment. Output sub-folder will be named Experiment1 and Experiment2. Expression tables will have columns "Replicate1", "Replicate2" and "Replicate3".

  • ONT cDNA reads; 1 experiment with 2 replicates, each replicate has 2 files; official annotation in GTF format: -d nanopore --yaml dataset.yaml  \
      --complete_genedb --genedb genes.gtf \
     --reference reference.fasta --prefix MY_SAMPLE \
     --output output_dir  

dataset.yaml file :

  data format: "fastq",
    name: "Experiment1",
    long read files: [
    labels: [

IsoQuant will produce one output sub-folder Experiment1. Expression tables will have columns "Replicate1" and "Replicate2". Files having identical labels will be treated as a single replica (and thus the counts will be combined).